Our district needs a continuity of leadership focused on bringing prosperity to our communities and our families. If appointed, Rachel will advocate for the creation of family wage jobs in Northwest Oregon by investing in manufacturing, clean energy jobs, and career and technical education. Rachel supports cutting red tape for small businesses, making it easier for local business owners to create jobs and serve the community. Rachel stands with unions, and will stand up for worker protections and a living wage.
Housing and Childcare
While talking to constituents in Senate District 16, Rachel has heard too many stories of nurses, teachers, and other workers unable to take jobs because of a lack of affordable housing. If appointed, Rachel will support policies that bring new, affordably-priced housing to Senate District 16. As a stepmother, Rachel knows too many parents who have had to cut back on needed work hours because they couldn’t find childcare. Rachel will advocate for policies that give families more childcare options in the district.
An Independent Thinker for Rural Oregon
All too often, legislators in Salem make decisions about what’s best for Portland without considering the rest of us. Rachel will scrutinize every bill that comes across her desk with a focus on what will work best for Senate District 16.